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Singapore Land Authority to Re-open Playfields and Beaches

All playfields under the Singapore Land Authority (SLA) will be reopened from 19 June 2020, following the Multi-Ministry Taskforce’s announcement that Singapore will move into Phase Two of its reopening on 19 June 2020.


2.       Beaches at St John’s, Lazarus and Kusu Island will also be re-opened to the public this Friday.


3.       Members of the public are advised to be socially responsible when using these recreational spaces. SLA urges the public not to let their guard down, and to continue to adhere to safe distancing measures to ensure the health and well-being of the community.


4.       Users of the playfields engaging in various types of activities should not be in groups of more than five persons. Visitors engaging in sports and physical exercises should observe the safe management measures as stipulated in the Sport Singapore guidelines.


5.       Enforcement officers and Safe Distancing Ambassadors will be deployed to ensure adherence to the safe distancing measures, and actions will be taken against any breaches.


6.       St John’s Island Lodge, which includes the holiday bungalow and three campsites on St John’s Island, will remain closed for now as activities there tend to involve large numbers of people who are likely to come into close contact and for prolonged periods of time, thereby increasing the risk of transmission of COVID-19.


Issued by:

The Singapore Land Authority

17 June 2020