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Singapore Land Authority Grants Additional Rental Waivers to Support Commercial and Social Sector Tenants of State Properties

The Singapore Land Authority (SLA) will be granting additional rental waiver to all eligible commercial and social sector tenants of State properties. This is part of the Supplementary Budget called ‘Resilience Budget’ announced by the Government with enhanced rental waivers to help businesses tide over the COVID-19 crisis.

2.         Eligible tenants in commercial accommodation, F&B, retail, recreation/entertainment, healthcare and other services will now be granted two months of rental waiver. This is an increase from the half a month of rental waiver announced under the Budget Statement 2020’s Stabilisation and Support Package.

3.         Rental waiver will be extended to about 1,200 other commercial tenants including those in office, industrial and agriculture sectors. These tenants will be given half a month of rental waiver.

4.         The rental waiver will also be extended to over 100 social sector tenants including welfare homes, special education schools, voluntary welfare organisations and charities. This group of tenants will be given two months of rental waiver.

5.         The objective of this support is to alleviate business costs during this period of uncertainty. Tenants eligible for two months of rental waiver will receive this support  in April and May 2020, while the tenants eligible for half a month rental waiver will receive this support in April 2020.

6.         In total, rental waivers will be granted to over 2,000 commercial tenants and over 100 social sector tenants of State properties. The intent of this relief measure is to grant rental waiver directly to the business owners, provided their tenancies do not exceed three years, and they do not pay property tax

7.        Commercial tenants with cash flow concerns may apply to SLA for assistance including flexible rental payments such as instalment plans. Each request will be considered and assessed individually, taking into account the company’s circumstances.

Issued by:

The Singapore Land Authority

26 March 2020