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Ideas for Pasir Panjang Power District exhibited

Public’s proposals on display, Request for Information exercise to be launched


13 January 2020 – The public will be able to view proposals for the Pasir Panjang Power District from today, in an exhibition that explores the future of the district as the first piece of the Greater Southern Waterfront to be realised within the next five years. As part of the next phase of planning for the district, a Request for Information exercise will also roll out in conjunction with the exhibition, which was opened this morning by Minister for National Development and Second Minister for Finance Lawrence Wong.


The exhibited proposals were submitted for the ideas competition ‘Power-Up Pasir Panjang’, jointly organised last year by the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) and the Singapore Land Authority (SLA), which invited the public, professionals and students to re-imagine the district for the next 15 to 20 years. 79 submissions were received, and several winning proposals were selected for their originality, creativity and sensitivity to the site’s unique context. For more information on the winning entries, please see Annex A.


“Many high quality entries were submitted for the ideas competition. The creative concepts and proposals will help set the stage for the next phase of planning for the power district, and contribute towards kickstarting the rejuvenation of the Greater Southern Waterfront,” said Chief Executive Officer of URA Lim Eng Hwee.


"We are excited by the creativity and originality in the entries submitted. They gave us a glimpse into the potential to transform the State property at Pasir Panjang Power Station A.  We look forward to realising this potential through the transformation of the iconic property into an exciting and attractive destination for all," said Chief Executive of SLA Tan Boon Khai.


The Request for Information exercise that launches today will build on the results of the ideas competition, and facilitate detailed discussion with developers and possible future users of the power district site. This will help further refine the parameters before the release of the site for development, possibly through a tender next year. For more information on the Request for Information exercise, please see https://go.gov.sg/ura-pdrfi


Meanwhile, a series of engagements will also be carried out from 18 January 2020 onwards by the National Parks Board on the future Pasir Panjang Park, which will link up the power district to the rest of the Greater Southern Waterfront.


The proposals will be exhibited at The URA Centre atrium from 13 January 2020 to 7 February 2020.


To download high resolution images, go to: https://www.ura.gov.sg/Corporate/Visual-Links/2020/Power Up Pasir Panjang


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This press release is also available at URA-Online at http://www.ura.gov.sg/

Annex A

Prize winners of ‘Power Up Pasir Panjang’ ideas competition

Topic 1: Re-imagining the Power District

Formulation of a concept master plan to guide rejuvenation of Power District

Open Category

Tertiary Category

2nd: Preserving the Nation’s Best Kept Secrets by Provolk Architects

Description: This proposal presents a strong and coherent masterplan with an interesting variety of uses within the five different precincts – residential, hotel, co-work, museum and seafront. Transition zones between the enclaves in the form of berms, courtyards and linear parks offer new discoveries and refreshing experiences as one moves from one precinct to another. A central spine that stitches up the precincts draws visitors towards the waterfront, where berms double-up as a walkway that presents panoramic views both towards the sea and back to the site, and offer coastal protection as a defence against climate change.


3rd: Green Erosion by Charles Jason Wee

Description: In this proposal, the old and new are sensitively balanced, with infill developments that celebrate the site’s industrial heritage respectfully injected – new residential blocks with cylindrical courtyards pay homage to the oil tanks that previously stood in their place. The designer presented a distinct identity by providing a unity of space and architectural elements based on the site’s primary shapes. A series of arcs and lines shape the pedestrian experience along the open spaces between blocks. A stepped roofline provides varied opportunities for features such as rooftop farming, gardens and solar panels. Proposed uses for the buildings include mixed-use residential with retail, and mixed-use civic and commercial with retail.


1st: Merging Scapes by Hendriko Teguh Sangkanparan, Nur Fadhilah Binte Nordin, Sally Tan and Lun Ci Min,

Singapore University of Technology and Design

Description: Sustainability and nature take prominence in this scheme, transforming the district into a nature-centric mixed-use precinct with residential, lifestyle and commercial functions intertwined with parks, water features and recreational facilities. The public spaces proposed thoughtfully consider both ecological restoration and how people interact with the space. To create distinctive recreational experiences, the scheme demonstrates how water could be weaved in throughout the site to revitalise and create a delightful district for all to enjoy.

2nd: Tranquility in Crowd, Crowd in Tranquility, Vice Versa by Gani Wiratama and Rionaldi,

Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, Indonesia

Description: This design presents a distinctive central spine that provides a strong axis to tie the variety of spaces together and channel the crowd to the heritage site while maintaining the spirit of the power plant. Power Station A will have a cultural heritage function, with gallery and museum, co-working space, heritage trails and multi-function spaces. Power Station B could host start-ups, and Small and Medium Enterprises.


3rd: South Coast [P]romenade by Tan Yuan Ling Rebecca, Ng Su Wen, Dion Teo Jian Xian and Chen Rui,

Singapore University of Technology and Design

Description: The district is envisioned as a new residential district that functions as the central hub that serves the future developments in the surrounding area. This scheme presents a bold and exciting idea for a unique waterfront residential enclave that wraps around the site, screening off viaduct and existing electrical substations, while providing cleverly created points of connection. With Power Station A  as a transport and community hub, and B as a learning hub for family and lifestyle activities, they serve as the focal points of regeneration, celebrating the history of the place while breathing a new life into the buildings through daily remembrance and utility.


Topic 2: Re-purposing a Heritage Power Station

Innovative ideas to rejuvenate and transform Power Station A

Professional Category

Tertiary Category

Special mentions:

Re:interpret & Re:generate by Swee Yew Yong (Formwerkz Architects), Dang Bao Bao (AWP Architects) and Stephan Shen Yi Zhe (ID Architects)

Description: This proposal takes inspiration from the past role of Power Station A and reprises it as a creative powerhouse with co-working, exhibition spaces and retail amenities. Reinterpreting and paying homage to Power Station A’s two demolished chimneys, two new towers for living spaces and hotel use are introduced, enlivening the proposed mixed-use precinct. The re-interpreted power station is used as a Creative Industries Hub with co-working spaces, design studios, digital labs and other facilities for creative professionals.


Recreate the Lights of Red-Brick Power Station A by Jason Lee Shuih Liang and James Bong Wei Jian,

Absolute X

Description: The proposal re-programs Power Station A in detail, making use of the existing building with minimum alteration. A coherent mix of uses is injected to repurpose the power station as an inclusive space for all, with creative reuse of the spaces to promote understanding of the site’s heritage and  to allow visitors to re-live the historic building. Activities proposed include an interpretive centre/gallery, adventure playground, retail shops, food hall, event hall and co-studios/workshops.


The Making Station by Vanja Obajdin, Frven Lim, Marisa Dewi and Chia Ling Chung,

DP Architects

Description: With outstanding graphic presentation featuring strong visuals and stylized drawings, this scheme demonstrated how Power Station A could be reused as an innovation hub. ‘The Making Station’ provides an array of work spaces that enable people to experience the life and vibrancy of the creative economy’s entire life cycle. A series of temporary and removable architectural insertions, mirroring the industrial heritage of the building, uniquely equip this building.

2nd: The Hidden Reserve  by Min Myat Kyaw,

Nanyang Polytechnic

Description: This proposal portrays a bold metaphorical reference to “return” the district to the natural groundscape of its pre-development days, where the site was part of a ridge. It introduces distinctive architectural forms to effectively execute its abstract messaging, harkening back to the site’s original hilly terrain that could be reconstructed for visitors to enjoy.The power station would be given new life through an indoor park, with landscapes inspired by the forest, rocky beach, mountains, canyon and hillside.


2nd: Myrios by Chui Yee Chin and Yany Chan Ziqi,

National University of Singapore

Description: The proposal re-thinks the power station – previously defined by the use of heavy machinery and tools – as a creative space that highlights people as the brains of our industries. People-centric and collaborative programming – such as discussion bubbles, breakout spaces, flexible learning spaces, and a play spine – are incorporated, with colourful sound-proofing fabric providing a flexible and fun way to define activities at different scales while keeping the large volumes of the halls open. Displaying an understanding of the expansive interior volumes and detailed consideration for the existing floorplates within Power Station A, this proposal sensitively incorporates modular spaces for a diverse range and scale of uses. The light-touch interventions and partitioning strategies are also respectful of the ethos of the original architectural elements of the heritage Power Station A.