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Foreign System School Tender for 21 Jurong West Street 81

Home > Articles > Press Releases > 2017 > Foreign System School Tender for 21 Jurong West Street 81

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The Singapore Land Authority (SLA) and the Economic Development Board (EDB) will conduct a tender to repurpose the former Pioneer Secondary School at 21 Jurong West Street 81 for Foreign System School (FSS) use. The tender is aimed at inviting proposals from operators interested in providing more affordable foreign system education using suitable premises.

2.         Yap Eai-Sy, Deputy Director of Business Planning and Development, SLA, said, “The conversion of a former school would provide for cost efficiencies against the capital outlay required for the construction of a new building. In addition, we have also specified for a 3+3+3 year rental scheme, which reduces capital outlay for operators as opposed to a 30-year lease where the premium is payable upfront.”

3.         SLA will adopt the Price and Quality evaluation format for the tender. With the Price and Quality Tender, bids for the site will be assessed more holistically, with 50% of the overall score for the bid price and 50% for the quality of the proposal. The quality of the proposed concept will be a key consideration in determining the winning bid and the site may not be awarded to the operator that submits the highest bid price.

4.         “The introduction of a Price and Quality tender for FSS use will allow us to provide moderate-fee FSS options whilst ensuring that State properties are appropriately optimised pending long-term development,” Ms Yap said.

5.         Marcus Dass, Director of Human Capital, EDB, said “Foreign system schools play a part in strengthening Singapore’s position as an attractive global city and home for business. While many existing foreign system schools in Singapore have been delivering high quality international education, there are requests for more affordable and diverse school options. Suitable premises without extensive facilities common in many existing international schools will allow operators the opportunity to provide quality international school education at a more affordable fee.”

6.         The tender will open on 18 April 2017. Operators interested in the site may access the following website for more information on the tender: SPIO (http://www.sla.gov.sg/spio).

7.         More details on the evaluation criteria and site will be provided at a closed-door briefing on 25 April 2017 at 3pm. All interested parties who are keen to learn more and who wish to participate are invited to attend. Interested parties should register by emailing sharon_chew@edb.gov.sg no later than 12pm on 24 April 2017.