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SLA launches first public tender at former MHA Complex at Tanglin Road for office use

Home > Articles > Press Releases > 2008 > SLA launches first public tender at former MHA Complex at Tanglin Road for office use

            The Singapore Land Authority (SLA) has launched a public tender for adaptive re-use of a prime sprawling location at Phoenix Park of Tanglin Road as office space.   SLA conducted a site showround for potential bidders today at the previously key Government site which housed the Headquarters of ISD, MHA and the office of the MHA Minister.  This is the first public tender called on this previously guarded key installation with rich historical value, and it is opened today for the first time for public viewing. 

2          The former MHA Complex is the largest office site in land area, offered by the SLA, the State agent so far.  It also hosts the most number of standalone buildings onsite, thereby offering greater flexibility by any master tenant for sub-leasing.  This property has 4 of its main blocks now under conservation study.  This means that the exterior façade, such as the windows, roofing and certain architectural features are to be safeguarded for conservation and retained during renovation.   Two examples of other office sites with conservation guidelines imposed on them are 18 Pearl’s Hill Terrace and 195 Pearl’s Hill Terrace. 

3          Situated at the fringe of the Orchard Road belt, the former MHA Complex along Tanglin Road, with land area of about 59,630 square metres (sqm) and a Gross Floor Area (GFA) of about 13,300 sqm, is expected to attract keen interest from property leasing and consultancy firms, as well as MNCs and companies which wish to expand or relocate their back-of-house operations.. The entire site consists of 24 blocks of single-storey buildings, 2 blocks of 2-storey buildings, 2 blocks of 3-storey buildings standalone buildings, 2 substation blocks and 1 bin centre, a basketball court and several carparks. The tenancy is for an initial 3 years and renewable on terms up to 2017. The guide rent, which is only an indicative rent, is set at $165,000 per month. SLA’s three-month rent-free period applies from commencement of tenancy. Supporting uses such as a staff canteen, gymnasium and other F&B and recreational facilities for office staff, are allowed, subject to approval. This property is also a gazetted tree conservation area.

4          This property is in close proximity to private landed housing and a number of embassies, high commissions and consulates. The immediate neighbours include the Tanglin Park at Ridley Park Road and the High Commission of Brunei Darussalam directly across Tanglin Road. The property is located at the fringe of CBD, in the Tanglin Area. The majority of land in Tanglin area is allocated for residential use with a number of the State’s rented black-and-white bungalows and private Good Class Bungalow areas. The property is a 5 to 10 minute, and 10 to 15 minute drive to Orchard Road and the CBD respectively. The nearest MRT station at Redhill is a 15 to 20 minutes walk away. Bus services are available at the bus stop opposite Chatsworth Road, with SBS Transit service numbers 111 and 132 plying both directions of Tanglin Road.

5          SLA’s Senior Manager of Project Services, Mr Winston Cheah said, “SLA is looking for a master tenant to take up the entire site for office use. This site is attractive because of its good location, important historical value, and it also offers some fringe ‘exclusivity’ with the pleasant surroundings and lush greenery. It is also next door to other office outfits like the YOG Hq and Tanglin Village. The site which is rich in national history and heritage, can capitalize on its large land area and offer a full-facility, all-inclusive modern office complex with recreational amenities for staff. The creative master tenant will have much literal space and flexibility to do up the property to become an office icon and hub. The set-up of the premises allows for the tenant to parcellise and sub-lease the blocks, each creating a separate identity. Given that some of the renovations and retrofittings by Republic Polytechnic are still quite new and the offices are in good condition, there may be some cost savings.”

6          On the sub-leasing programme by SLA’s office tenants so far, Mr Cheah said, “So far, our office tenders have been well-received with strong bids submitted. This supply has met the immediate need of tenants decanting from prime locations. We understand from our tenants that the take-up rates from their sub-tenants have also been good. There is also a healthy take-up by local startups, MNCs, Financial Institutions and public-listed companies of all our prime, city-fringe and suburban located State properties. SLA will continue to monitor the take-up and identify more suitable sites for office use, if demand is prevalent.”

7         Earlier this month, SLA launched the only other office tender in 2008, at former Monk’s Hill Secondary School, 10 Winstedt Road off Bukit Timah Road.  The property has a land area of about 15,300 sqm with a GFA of about 7,800 sqm.  The tender which closed on 16 April 2008, attracted seven very strong bids from the property leasing sector, which were all higher than the guide rental of $147,300 per month or $18.90 per sqm per month.  See Tender Schedule

8          Site showround appointments to the former MHA complex at Tanglin Road can be made by appointment with SLA at 63239154. Due to the sheer size of the property, the tender opening period is 4 weeks instead of the usual 3 weeks, and will close on 4 June 2008 at 11 am sharp. This is to allow potential tenderers more time to enquire with SLA about the property. For more information on these properties, please visit SLA’s State Property and Information Online (SPIO) web portal (https://app1.sla.gov.sg/spio), or call the SPIO hotline at 6323 9154. The tender documents are available on http://www.gebiz.gov.sg/. Tender applications may be deposited at Singapore Land Authority, 8 Shenton Way, #26-01, Singapore 068811.


-The End -

Issued by:
The Singapore Land Authority
13 May 2008

Tender Schedule of 10 Winstedt Road
1 property photograph and 1 site map (source: SLA)

History of Phoenix Park location:
Historical sources (cannot be attributed to SLA) said that the site was previously used as a golf course by the Japanese during WWII. After the Japanese bowed out, the British Secret Service occupied and built the property. The main A is shaped like a naval ship because the design was elected by Lord Louis Mountbatten, who was the Supreme Allied Commander of the South East Asia Command during WWII. ISD’s predecessor, Special Branch, set up in 1948, also operated from there. In August 1970, Home Affairs and Defence became separate Ministries. MHA remained at Pearl's Hill until August 1977 when it moved into this site at Phoenix Park in Tanglin Road. MHA which occupied the site in 1977, vacated from the site to move to its new complex at Irrawaddy Road in 2001, together with Police Headquarters. It was then briefly occupied by Republic Polytechnic as its interim campus for two years, until their new campus at Woodlands was completed in May 2006. MHA retained and brought "Phoenix" over to its new home in Irrawaddy Road. The "Phoenix" was the emblem chosen by Lord Louis Mountbatten on his appointment as the Supreme Allied Commander of the South East Asia Command during World War II. He was responsible for the defence of India and for driving the Japanese from Singapore, Burma, Malaya and Dutch Indies.

For more details, please check with Mr Wang Meng Hao, Executive Secretary of Preservation Monuments Board (PMB). DID: 63327934 and Email: Wan_Meng_Hao@nhb.gov.sg.


Tender Schedule of 10 Winstedt Road:

iState Property at 10 Winstedt Road, Singapore 227977
[Site area : 15,310.3 sqm; GFA: 7,793.6 sqm, Guide Rental: $147,300; $18.90 psm]

S/No. Name of Tenderer Tendered Monthly Rent (S$) Unit Rate in S$ (per square metre per month)































1Tendered Use: Office; Tenure: 3+3+3 years Tenancy Agreement; Formerly used as a School.

About SLA
The Singapore Land Authority (SLA) is a statutory board with the Ministry of Law. Its mission is to optimise land resource for the economic and social development of Singapore. SLA is responsible for the direct management of some 14,000 hectares of State land and about 5,000 buildings. It is also in charge of land sales, leases, acquisitions and allocation, developing and marketing land-related information, and maintaining the national land information database through digitised land information services.

Background on SLA’s initiative to help alleviate office crunch

Since February 2007, SLA had started tendering out 20 former schools, vacant community centres, childcare centre and institutional buildings for office use only. Of these, there were former schools, former Government buildings, former community centres and a former childcare centre. These State properties are located on either the CBD fringes or within housing estates near MRT stations, public transport facilities and amenities. So far, about 15 such properties had been awarded for office use.